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uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

The Intelligent Systems Program (ISP) is a multidisciplinary graduate program at the University of Pittsburgh dedicated to applied artificial intelligence (AI).

Many of Pitt's acclaimed schools are represented through our associated faculty, including the School of Medicine, the 网络加速, the School of Education, the 加速器连接国外网络, the Swanson School of Engineering, and the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences.

uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

  • Broadly interdisciplinary approach: We offer a strong, well balanced foundation in the fundamentals of AI and many opportunities for advanced research and training in many disciplines, including computer science, biomedical informatics, cognitive psychology, information science, education, law, and more.
  • Focused, customized curricula: Building on the core curriculum, students design their own personalized curricula that prepare them for interdisciplinary research in their areas of interest.
  • Collaborative atmosphere: Faculty members and students present their research in regular program seminars, exposing students to a broad range of research topics and methods and affording them the opportunity to present their own research.
  • Highly motivated faculty: Pitt's widely published ISP faculty are leaders in their fields. Drawing on the strengths of diverse sectors of the university, and participating in over thirty funded research projects, they support graduate students through collaborative research, personal mentoring, and external research funding.

uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器

uu加速器海外版- 爬墙专用加速器




Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Educational Technology

Researchers in the Educational Technology groupMembers of the Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Educational Technology group have created a number of well-known tutoring systems in several fields of science.  These researchers also are exploring various areas of community-based systems such as digital libraries and adaptive Web systems.

Researchers in this group focus on several different areas, including:

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